This is Grain of Wheat, a place of thoughts on knowledge, free will, human nature, history, theology, the spiritual life and love of God.
Why “Grain of Wheat”?
Well, I like Christ’s words in John 12:24: “Unless a grain of wheat falls into the earth and dies, it remains alone; but if it dies, it bears much fruit.” I think this verse encapsulates just about everything about reality, even more so than John 3:16. I’ve seen the concepts behind Christ’s statement in this verse in just about everything I’ve studied over the last few years, and I think it is truly the way to understand everything.
It is, somewhat terrifyingly, also our calling in ways either small, or perhaps complete:
“I am the wheat of God and am ground by the teeth of the wild beasts, that I may be found the pure bread of Christ.” - St. Ignatius of Antioch
Just about everything I write will be connected to this verse and to the concept of the Grain of Wheat.
I am a 2022 graduate of Wyoming Catholic College who likes to read, study, and think. Reading list of relevant books, sites, and podcasts on which my random thoughts are based is here.
Find me on X at @jamesgreenWY.
I used to write satire at IrkutskIceTruckers.com crossposted onto Substack below:
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