Let' face it. Fear of being up front when the reading is from Luke 11 or James 2. ;-) But wise mothers go there intentionally so that their children will not be distracted, but focused on what is before them in the sanctuary.

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There are some other possible reasons to sit in the back. I am 74 years old and, unfortunately, have BPH. Most churches locate the bathrooms in the back.

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Yes, I probably made an oversimplification, and there are other reasons, but I do find it intriguing to understand the pressures that do weigh on one's will whenever making a decision. I feel these pressures myself, even when I choose to sit elsewhere.

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I sit in the rear, because that’s where the publican sat, in the lowest place where we are instructed by Christ to sit when we enter the feast. I also sit on Christ’s left hand on the right of the nave. He can move me if he so chooses.

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